Sharon Lowe
Austin, Texas
Sharon Lowe, J.D., MA Pastoral Ministry, is a graduate of the Seminary of the Southwest, and the Formation in Direction (FIND) program.
She holds certificates in Contemplative and Nonprofit Leadership, Victim-Offender Mediation/Dialogue, Mental Health First Aid, and Peer Poetry Facilitation. For 20+ years Sharon has held paid and volunteer leadership roles serving the poor and poor in spirit.
A lover of poetry since childhood, Sharon first encountered Poetry as a Tool for Wellness while working at Austin Clubhouse, a non-clinical, peer-involved community organization for adults living with mental health diagnoses. There, she both witnessed and experienced how poetic medicine promotes individual and communal wholeness. Upon retirement, she was delighted to be invited to train as a Peer Poetry Facilitator.
Sharon’s local family circle includes her husband of 40 years, an adult son, a brother-in-law, one dog, and wonderful friends. Her daughter moved to Portland, OR in November 2023.