Poetry as a Tool for Wellness
Coordinator: Cathey Capers
Poetry and poem-making are compelling and effective tools in the journey toward wholeness. Poetry as a Tool for Wellness is based on more than 20 years of groundbreaking work integrating poetry and poem-making into mental health and wellness programs. These skills-based sessions offer participants a safe and creative circle in which to explore themes vital to wellbeing.
The program was piloted with members of Austin Clubhouse, a non-profit, member-based organization made up of people living with mental health challenges.
In 2022 the program began to be offered online as a way to introduce participants beyond the local location in Austin, Texas to the healing process of poetry circles. The goal is to allow participants to experience poetry-as-healer for themselves and then learn the art of facilitating these groups as a peer so that the healing work can be brought to more people.
In 2023 the PTW Facilitator Training program began being offered as a two-part series with Part 1 offering the experience of the poetry circle and Part 2 focusing on the facilitation process. These workshops were be offered online.
The Poetry as a Tool for Wellness program continues to be offered regularly at the Austin Clubhouse.
Drop in sessions were offered in the Summer/Fall of 2023 as a way for anyone interested in learning how to begin using Poetry as a Tool for Wellness to attend a stand-alone session without a series commitment for multiple weeks or sessions.