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An Act of Human Magic
A Poetry Reading Via Zoom
A Free Event
Offered by the Board of Directors of The Institute for Poetic Medicine
at the close of National Poetry Month
Tuesday, April 25
4 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Central, 7 p.m. Easter
Plato said beautiful language induces sophrosyne, a condition of stability and integration in psychic life. Beautiful language was given names by the ancient Greeks of epode and theklerian — charms and spells to evoke in the listener the experience of calm and well-being.
In a culture so impacted by technology and clock time, we forget that listening to the human voice, in concert with beautiful language, makes life better. That is our intention for this poetry reading!
Please join us.
In the spirit of "poetic medicine" we will make space for you to respond.

Geoff Oelsner co-leads the Poetry of Nature group via IPM from his home in Fayetteville, AR. He is a poet and singer-songwriter, deeply concerned with the climate crisis and weaves these together in his new book titled Attunements.

Chuck Joy served as the Poet Laureate of Erie County, PA, from 2018-2021. He is a child psychiatrist and has recently published a book of poems called Vinyl.

Janet Childs brings her inspired music and lyrics to rituals and celebrations. In 1976 she co-founded The Center for Living and Dying in Santa Clara, CA, and has served as an IPM Board Member since its inception in 2005.

Sasha Guzman works with at-risk youth, parents and children in San Antonio, TX, and is a member of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation and jingle dances at local pow wows. She co-facilitates The Exile Poetry Group of which she has been a member for the past ten years.

John Fox founded IPM in 2005. He has been offering poetry & healing work since 1982. His chapbook of poems, The Only Gift to Bring is a gift you will receive by making a donation to IPM.