Mike Bernhardt spoke at the National Association for Poetry Therapy’s monthly Author’s Corner and discussed how Voices of the Grieving Heart can be a valuable resource for mental health professionals.
Grieving the death of someone we loved is the
darkest road many of us will ever travel.
Each of us must find our own path as we navigate the uncharted territory of our new lives. Voices of the Grieving Heart isn’t a map; it’s a companion on that difficult journey. On these pages are the voices of 83 people who traveled their own roads through grief after their loved ones died. Along the way, they wrote poems about what they felt, experienced, and learned.
Voices of the Grieving Heart doesn’t tell readers what to do or how they should feel. Instead, the contributors to this book generously offer their own truths, in hopes that they might help someone else.
“This beautiful book speaks directly to the heart.”
“If you are grieving the loss of someone you love, it will help to validate your experience and feelings. It is as personal as it is universal.”
—Debbie Augenthaler, LMHC, NCC, Author of You Are Not Alone
In-person author talk at Book Passage Dec 10, 2022 - 2 PM PST
Hosted by Author Mike Bernhardt and Left Coast Writers
If you are in the Bay Area, we are pleased to invite you to join friend of IPM and writer/editor Mike Bernhardt for a reading and discussion of the award-winning 80-poet anthology Voices of the Grieving Heart. Mike asked John Fox to write the foreword to the 30th anniversary republication. This collection of poems explores grief, love, loss, healing and hope.
"I'm very excited to be reading from and discussing my book, Voices of the Grieving Heart! The holidays and longer nights of winter can be especially difficult for people grieving the deaths of their loved ones. This beautiful book speaks directly to the heart with moving and powerful poetry from 80 people who generously share their journeys of love, loss, healing, and hope."
~ Mike Bernhardt