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Tara Broderick, PPM

Cleveland, Ohio | she/her

Tara Broderick was certified as a Practitioner of Poetic Medicine in 2018 after completing a three-year training program sponsored by The Institute for Poetic Medicine (IPM). In 2014, Tara was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. During her IPM training, Tara experienced first-hand the healing power of poem-making to make sense of her diagnosis.

Tara believes that reading and writing poetry has not only helped her gain perspective but has also contributed to stress reduction and slower progression of her disease.

Tara offered a program designed for People with Parkinson's and their caregivers and in 2022 to a group of poets affiliated with She continues to present this six-session series online to participants across the US and to local groups in New Jersey and Ohio yearly.

Read more about her process and "Words That Heal" in her blog post here.

Tara lives in Cleveland, Ohio where she has facilitated a variety of healing poetry circles since 2017.

Tara Broderick, PPM
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